Saturday, February 16, 2008

The blog 101

My first peek at BLOGGER!
Okay... this is moi's first blog. My auntie Stephanie helped me with this. 4 your ears only she has a boyfriend,every night oh come on! Their nickname is Ivana.(Nina/Stepha
nie+Ivan=HAPPY COUPLE!)She does not know i am writing this. So,ZIP IT!!! I love my life. I know I should not be intruding to their private house. But it is FUN! Fine... more about my life. I live with my parents and my little bro, Fox. My dad likes to call him: FOXY LOXY! Here is a picture of him.

Here's a little something something. I am gonna show you a picture. It has the couple that has been named Ivana...I hope y'all like it. My aunt puts it in her LOVEBirds folder. Let me go get it. It should around here somewhere......................

Got it!
Hey I think I heard my mom call me. Catch you all later. BYE!!!